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Creative Facilitation


Creative Facilitation Session for a Client on Single Use to Reuse​


ID5325 - Creative Facilitation​


Semester 4 - DfI Masters @TU Delft 

February 2024​​

Conducted a 2-hour long Creative Facilitation Session on Single Use to Reuse Packaging for a client in Eda Wageningen, Netherlands.


Transitioning from single-use packaging to reusable packaging requires significant attention to behavior change and the implementation of effective strategies to encourage and sustain consumer adoption of reusable alternatives. The objective is to design and facilitate habit formation for reusing packaging, thereby promoting continued usage. Through the purging and mind mapping, the participants found that the problem was more about how to trigger the users to use reusable packaging and hence they arrived at the Problem as Perceived.

Problem as Given (PaG):

How can design facilitate the habit formation to reuse?




Problem as Perceived (PaP):

How can we trigger people to use reusable packaging?

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A discussion with the Problem Owner

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Diverging: Problem Finding Diamond through Mind Mapping

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Solution Diamond: Making a Poster

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